
Margaret Morrison

Non-Executive Director

Having lived with extreme period pain throughout her years of menstruating it wasn’t until she was post-menopause that Maggie was diagnosed with endometriosis.

During lockdown (2020) she developed post-menopausal bleeding symptoms that led to a diagnosis of pre-cancerous cells.  This led to an operation that detected that she had a bicornate womb and associated gynaecological complications.  To ensure the pre-cancerous cells didn’t become cancer she was advised to have a full hysterectomy. After her surgery the consultant let her know, the procedure had become quite ‘sticky’ as a result of undiagnosed endometriosis. Maggie wishes she had been diagnosed earlier in life. She had undergone investigation privately into why she had been unable to fall pregnant but unfortunately none of the issues that came to light after her surgery were picked up.

“I hope that other women will be diagnosed in a timely fashion, better treatments will be available and there will be more awareness in the workplace.”