Transforming the lives of millions.
ENDO1000 is a UK-wide research project that will collect data from 1000 individuals with known or suspected endometriosis. The resulting resource will allow research into the development of personalised care for people with endometriosis.
What is endometriosis?
It is a disease where cells similar to those lining the womb grow elsewhere in the body. The most common symptom is chronic pelvic pain.
Project Status
We are collecting biological samples from patients attending the hospital for surgery for endometriosis. We are using smartwatches to learn more about the impact of symptoms, on movement and sleep patterns. We are working with patients to better understand the impact of diet and nutritional supplements on management of symptoms of endometriosis. We have been working with international teams to better understand genetic risk factors that may increase risk of endometriosis and also to develop a blood test for endometriosis.
Latest Event
“We really need to talk about endometriosis”
On 19 October 2023, Professor Horne joined panellists for a fascinating and insightful discussion to raise awareness on endometriosis and launch the ENDO1000 project at Scotland House in London.
“Endometriosis causes huge distress to every aspect of my life and the lives of the people around me. It pains my family to see me go from a bright, bubbly woman to a hollow shell”
Radha, Age 33, IT Professional